Floor - BMHK - Baarmoederhalskanker Skip to content
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Floor thinks
it is naive not
to participate

“For me, it makes so much sense to take part in the population screening. I actually find it naive not to participate. When I was twenty, I found out by chance that I had abnormal cells. I had no complaints, but I was at my GP for another examination and they did a smear test at the same time. Thankfully, It all turned out fine. If you participate, the risk of getting cervical cancer is minimal. The risk is much higher if you don’t. And if you catch it in time, it is treatable. And participating is free. Actually, it is strange that us women are not well acquainted with HPV. Even though the chances that you have HPV are so high. Many women go to the STD clinic, even though they are not tested there for HPV. But taking part in the population screening is somehow seen as a barrier. Maybe because some are embarrassed at the GP, but there is really no need. There is really nothing that a doctor has not seen already. And a smear doesn’t hurt. Just stare into the distance and go. And if the smear test isn’t your thing, you can now take part at home. At first I thought: am I doing that right. But they really wouldn’t make a self-test if it was complicated!”