Kim - BMHK - Baarmoederhalskanker Skip to content
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received bad news

‘When I received my first invitation to the cervical cancer population screening, I made an appointment without giving it a second thought. I had had a smear test before, so I was not very nervous. From the moment I left the GP practice, I did not give it any more thought. A few days later, I got a call from the GP who had bad news. I had HPV and severely abnormal cells. That same afternoon, I was in hospital for more tests. In the end, it turned out I had cervical cancer. After a tough process that consisted of two surgeries, in which my cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes were removed, I was able to start rehabilitation. I am now doing reasonably well again. It did take me a while to come to terms with all this. I still think sometimes: ‘What if I had not taken part in the population screening?’ Maybe I would not be alive today.