Mary didn’t
think it was that
important at first
think it was that
important at first
‘When I got the letter inviting me to the cervical cancer population screening, I put it aside. I felt good and did not yet know the importance of the screening. I only realised this when a friend told me her results were not good. They had found abnormal cells. So I made an appointment with the GP, just to be sure. I found it a tense experience, but when it was done I thought: Is that all? It really isn’t that much of a big deal. I was really shocked by the results though, as I too was found to have abnormal cells. These were removed by the gynaecologist. After that, I had to come back to the hospital for check ups for five years. In most cases your body clears the HPV infection on its own within two years, but that was not the case with me. I am now thankfully HPV-free. I know now that feeling good means nothing.’